World in draws: postcards from Lisbon and Sevilla

3 nuove cartoline da Lisbona e Siviglia! :)

3 new postcards from Lisbon and Sevilla! :)

draws from Mila, Lore, Maria

draws from Miguel, Alexandra

draw from Ruben


Si tratta di taccuini "abbandonati" in vari luoghi in varie parti del mondo (una birreria a Lisbona, un bistrot a New York..) che invitano chiunque li trovi a lasciare un disegno e poi a inviarmelo: spero così di raccogliere disegni e pensieri da tante parti diverse del mondo.

It's about "abandoned"notebooks in different places in many parts of the world (a brewery in Lisbon, a bistro in New York..) that invite anyone to draw something on them and then send the drawing to me: I hope to collect drawings and thoughts from many different parts of the world.


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